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Giovanni Leoni Transfer from Padova to Tottenham Hotspur

Tottenham has shown interest in Giovanni Leoni.

Tottenham has been linked with Leoni, but there are no concrete moves reported yet.

Giovanni Leoni, a young defender who arrived on loan in January from Padova and immediately established himself as one of the most interesting players available to Andrea Pirlo. The coach has trusted him, and the boy has repaid him with high-level performances. For this reason, the 1.5 million euros set at his time no longer seem decidedly an out-of-market figure, quite the opposite. Yet, these 1.5 million could not be enough. According to Padova Sport, in fact, in the contract between Samp and Padova there would also be a percentage on the resale of the young defender to be paid to the biancoscudati. This amount should be considered in the useful computation for the liquidity index. The period in which the blucerchiati will be able to redeem Leoni goes between June 12 and 14, that is the window within which it is possible to carry out this type of operation. The blucerchiati could therefore avail themselves of the collaboration of some club interested in the ticket of the 2006 class jewel. Leoni has been talked about a lot these days in terms of Serie A. In particular, the interests seem to come from the same city: both Torino and Juventus have often been associated with Leoni, on which there is said to be a liking even from Tottenham.

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