Giulio Maggiore Transfer from Salernitana to Parma
Parma is interested in acquiring Giulio Maggiore from Salernitana.
Giulio Maggiore is being considered for transfer after Salernitana's relegation to Serie B. Maggiore is of interest to Parma, as reported by Corriere dello Sport.
Giulio Maggiore is considered a potential transfer for Parma's midfield, but clarity is needed on Salernitana's future first. Genoa is also seriously interested in the player born in '98.
Parma is considering Maggiore.
Parma is also reported to be interested in Giulio Maggiore. This comes amidst Salernitana's financial and sporting situation that could force the club to reconsider Maggiore's position despite his contract valid until 2026.
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