Najnovije vijesti o transferu

Marko Arnautović Transfer: Inter -> Galatasaray

Calciomercato je izvijestio da je Galatasaray zainteresiran za potpisivanje s Interovim Markom Arnautovićem. Njegov ugovor s Interom ističe 30. lipnja 2024., a Inter ga ne planira produžiti. Otvoreni su za razmatranje ponuda u nadolazećem prijelaznom roku ako Arnautović bude zainteresiran.

Inter is reportedly open to considering proposals for Marko Arnautovic during the January transfer window. With his contract set to expire on June 30, 2025, it is indicated that Inter will not activate the renewal clause unless unexpected circumstances arise. Arnautovic's transfer to Inter amounted to a total cost of 10.9 million euros, and the club is looking to sell him for at least 2.725 million euros to prevent a capital loss. It is noted that his current salary poses a challenge for potential buyers, as no major clubs have shown interest, and smaller clubs find his high wages unaffordable without financial support from Inter. Arnautovic has reportedly stated his intention to fulfill his contract with Inter.

Marko Arnautović se smatra viškom igrača u Interu, jer Inzaghi ima pet napadača u momčadi. Galatasaray bi mogao biti zainteresiran za njegovo dovođenje pod povoljnim uvjetima.

Galatasaray je pokazao interes za Marka Arnautovića, ali daljnji koraci nisu poduzeti.

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